We Are The Runners Show
On the We Are The Runners Show, I will talk with runners whose life journey will leave you inspired, encouraged, and ready to get out there and crush your own running goals! These are your stories, our stories! So join me each week and let's run this together!
We Are The Runners Show
Episode 18: Amy Goblirsch
Stephanie Foster
Episode 18
On this episode of the We Are The Runners Show I talk with Amy Golblirsch. Amy is a marathoner and a registered dietitian. On this episode Amy answers listener questions about fueling on the run! Before we talk about the topic of fueling and nutrition, remember to always ask your own physician or dietician before starting a new way of fueling or altering what you currently have in place. What works for one person, doesn't always work for everyone. Amy is incredibly smart, insightful, and was so gracious to answer all of our questions.
You can follow Amy on Instagram @the_running_dietitian
Website: www.longrunnutrition.co